

Supervised Students

Siobhán Duignan Sch., "Tree Simulation", Final Year Project Report, Computer Engineering. Trinity College Dublin, April 2015.
Emma Carrigan, "Multiplayer Online Game using WebGL and WebSockets", Final Year Project Report, BA (Mod.) Computer Science. Trinity College Dublin, April 2015.

Chronological Order

Professional Programming Tools for C and C++ A. Gerdelan, Illustrated by Katja Žibrek, "Professional Programming Tools for C and C++", book, 146 pages, Amazon, May 2020. ISBN 1527258483. print and digital
T. Costigan, A. Gerdelan, E. Carrigan, R. McDonnell, "Improving Blendshape Performance for Crowds with GPU and GPGPU Techniques", in proc. 9th International Conference on Motion in Games, Burlingame, California, July 2016. [pdf]
ICOMP11 A. Gerdelan, "Anton's OpenGL 4 Tutorials", book, 452 pages, Amazon, July 2014. Kindle [amazon.com], ePub and MOBI [itch.io]
ICOMP11 K. McGlinn, A. Gerdelan, K. Jones, D. Lewis, "Web-Based Visualisation for Energy Management of Buildings", in proc. International Conference on Applied Energy, Pretoria, South Africa, July 2013.
ICOMP11 G. Anzaldi, A. Corchero, H. Wicaksono, K. McGlinn, A. Gerdelan, M. J. Dibley, "Knoholem: Knowledge-Based Energy Management for Public Buildings Through Holistic Information Modeling and 3D Visualization", in proc. 2nd INTERA Conference, Oviedo, Spain, March 2013.
ICOMP11 A. Gerdelan, K. Hawick, A. Leist, and D. P. Playne, "Simulation Frameworks for Virtual Environments", in proc. ICOMP'11, Las Vegas, USA, July 2011.
CAVW A. Gerdelan, "Fuzzy Motion Controllers and Hybrids", PhD thesis, Massey University, New Zealand, June 2011. [pdf]
CSTN-127 A. Gerdelan, K. Hawick, A. Leist, and D. P. Playne, "Simulation Frameworks for Virtual Environments", tech report CSTN-127, Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, March 2011. [www]
CSTN-124 A. Gerdelan, "MechBench: Benchmarking Motion Control of Vehicles with Mechanical Constraints", tech report CSTN-124, Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, January 2011. [www]
CSTN-118 A. Gerdelan, "Mechanix: Vehicle Mechanical Simulation", tech report CSTN-118, Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, November 2010. [www]
CSTN-105 A. Gerdelan, "A Brief History of Motion Control in Animation", tech report CSTN-105, Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, August 2010. [www]
CAVW A. Gerdelan and C. O'Sullivan, "A Genetic-Fuzzy System for Optimising Agent Steering", Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CASA'10), 21, (3-4), pp. 453-461, May 2010. [www]
Internoise2010.png R. Smyth, H. Rice, P. McDonald, and A. Gerdelan, "Simulation of Vehicle Noise in the Virtual City", in proc., Internoise 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, June 2010. [pdf]
CASA10Workshop.png C. Ennis, A. Gerdelan, and C. O'Sullivan, "Plausible Methods for Populating Virtual Scenes", workshop CASA'10, Sant-Malo, France, June 2010. [pdf]
MIG'09 S. Paris, A. Gerdelan, and C. O'Sullivan, "CA-LOD: Collision Avoidance Level of Detail for Scalable, Controllable Crowds", Lecture Notes in Computer Graphics (Motion in Games'09), pp. 13-28, November 2009. [pdf]
CSTN-098 A. Gerdelan, "Auto-Training Animated Character Motion: A Rule-Base Tuning Hybrid Fuzzy-Genetic Algorithm", tech report CSTN-098, Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, June 2009. [www]
CSTN-088 Anton Gerdelan "Architecture design for self-training intelligent vehicle-driving agents: paradigms and tools", tech report CSTN-088, Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, April 2009. [www]
CSTN-079 A. Gerdelan, "Driving Intelligence: A New Architecture and Novel Hybrid Algorithm for Next-Generation Urban Traffic Simulation", tech report CSTN-079, Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, February 2009. [www]
CAVW A. Gerdelan, "A solution for streamlining intelligent agent-based traffic into 3D simulations and games", tech report CSTN-072, Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, January 2009. [www]
ANIP A. Gerdelan, and N. Reyes, "Towards A Generalised Hybrid Path-Planning and Motion Control System with Auto-Calibration for Animated Characters in 3D Environments", Advances in Neuro-Information Processing, 21, pp. 25-28, November 2008. [www]
RLIMS2008 D. Playne, A. Gerdelan, A. Leist, C. Scoggings, and K. Hawick, "Simulation Modelling and Visualisation: Toolkits for Building Artificial Worlds", RLIMS, 12, pp. 25-50, March, 2008.
KAREN2008.png A. Gerdelan, "Grid-Ireland and Irish e-Research Strategy: A Review for KAREN and BESTGrid", Community Reports, KAREN (Kiwi Advanced Research and Education Network), New Zealand, September 2008.
CSTN-054 K. Hawick, and A. Gerdelan, "Software Integration Architectures for Agents", tech report CSTN-054, Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, May 2008. [www]
CSTN-052 D. Playne, A. Gerdelan, A. Leist, C. Scoggings, and K. Hawick, "Simulation Modelling and Visualisation: Toolkits for Building Simulated Worlds", tech report CSTN-052, Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, March 2008. [www]
IIT07.png C. Messom, A. Sarrafzadeh, A. Gerdelan, M. Johnson, and J. Shanbehzadeh, "Operating System Virtualisation to support E-learning with Affective Intelligent Tutoring Systems", in proc. IIT'07, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, pp. 143-147, November 2007. [www]
eLearn07.png C. Messom, A. Sarrafzadeh, A. Gerdelan, and M. Johnson, "Operating System Virtualisation for Management and Delivery of E-Learning", in proc. E-Learn'07, pp. 7267-7273, Quebec City, Canada, October 2007. [pdf]
APAC07 A. Gerdelan, M. Johnson, C. Messom, "Performance Analysis of Virtualised Head Nodes Utilising Cost-Effective Network Attached Storage", in proc. APAC'07, Perth, Australia, October 2007. (Best paper and best presentation awards). [pdf]
NCEI06 A. Gerdelan, D. Iskandar, A. Djohar, and N. Reyes, "Utilising the Hybrid Fuzzy A* Algorithm in a Cooperative Multi-Agent System", in proc. NCEI'06 and HIS'06, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2006.
engineeringArticles06.png A. Gerdelan, "A Novel Motor Control Algorithm for Two-Wheeled and Caterpillar-Tracked Autonomous Vehicles Using a Fuzzy Navigation Abstraction", tech report, Engineering Honours Journal Articles, School of Engineering, Massey University, New Zealand, November 2006.
honoursThesis06.png A. Gerdelan, "Artificial Intelligence in Robot Soccer", honours thesis, School of Engineering, Massey University, New Zealand, October 2006.
FuzzyDays06.png A. Gerdelan, and N. Reyes, "Synthesizing Adaptive Navigational Robot Behaviours using a Hybrid Fuzzy A* Approach", book chapter, Advances in Soft Computing: Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications, Springer, pp. 699-710, September 2006. [pdf]
P. Munro and A. Gerdelan, "Stereo Vision - Computer Depth Perception", tech report, 159.731 Machine Vision, Massey University, September 2006. [pdf]
1stKoreanNZ06.png A. Gerdelan and N. Reyes, "A Novel Hybrid Fuzzy A* Robot Navigation System for Target Pursuit and Obstacle Avoidance", in proc. 1st Korean-New Zealand Joint Workshop on Advance of Computational Intelligence Methods and Applications, pp. 75-79, Auckland, New Zealand, February 2006. [pdf]
practiumReport06.png A. Gerdelan, "Hybrid Algorithms for Soccer Robots", Final Year Report, School of Engineering, Massey University, New Zealand, February 2006.


poster2 D. Playne, A. Gerdelan, and K. Hawick,
"Software Architectures for Simulations",
Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, July 2008. [pdf]
poster1 D. Playne, A. Gerdelan, and K. Hawick,
"Simulation, Modelling, and Visualisation: Toolkits for Building Simulated Worlds",
Complex Systems and Simulations Group, Massey University, New Zealand, June 2008. [pdf]