
Anton's Research Ramblings

Bresenham's Line-Drawing Algorithm (1962)

It's immediately obvious what one application of this algorithm is from my little test programme's output here, but it can also be used for determining things like line-of-sight paths through lattice-based environments with some limitations. I draw two separate lines here of thickness 3.

First of all, the Wikipedia article for this algorithm, like all Wikipedia articles for mathematics, is unreadable rubbish. The nicest article is at this website: http://www.falloutsoftware.com/tutorials/dd/dd4.htm, where I find the listing there to be the most robust and general to different line types also. I re-implement a version of that here and explain my understanding.

Bresenham's algorithm is a nice way to interpolate a line of pixels between any two 2d points. Nice because it's fast. You don't need to check every pixel in each column of the image for its distance from the line equation at a given x or something to find which pixels to colour. The general idea is:

  1. The line to draw is defined by two image locations (start and end x and y in pixels).
  2. Work out which is the "major" axis - i.e. is the line mostly changing in either x, or y axis.
  3. An "error" value is initialised to double the distance |end-start| along the major axis minus the distance |end-start| along the minor axis.
  4. Step (loop) along the major axis, one pixel at a time, from the start to the end of the line.

The error accumulation is a bit odd. Basically what it does is factor the slope of the line into the decision whether to increment the minor-axis pixel or not for the next plot point. If we have a slope of 1 then we will get a positive error value at every step, and therefore the y value of the pixel will increase by 1 for every increase in x value; a 45 degree diagonal line. If we have a slope of 0.5 then the error value will only be positive in every second step. I feel like this could be expressed more naturally with a more traditional slope calculation evident.

The reason that we use the curious 2 * distance values is because this lets us use integers for the entire algorithm. Otherwise we have to use floats, and deal with fractions in the loop.

A limitation of this algorithm is that the line only ever has one pixel in the minor axis for any major-axis value. That's okay, but sometimes the mathematical line would cut through two pixel's boxes within one major-axis pixel width. In this case it might make sense to colour both pixels, rather than just the closest one - especially if we are calculating the line for collision detection or something, rather than just drawing a simple line.

Another limitation is that the line is only ever one pixel thick, and there is no anti-aliasing. I easily added a thickness to the line by plotting extra points adjacent to the centre pixel at each plot location - this adds basically no extra computational cost to the algorithm. Anti-aliasing can easily be added in as a post-process or even by making the thickness-plots a half-way colour.

Listing: My First Implementation of the Algorithm

I used C and Sean Barrett's stb_image_write.h library to write to a PNG. There's no particular need for this though - the memory can be dumped directly, as-is to a binary file and converted at the command line from raw format with ImageMagick or a similar tool, or copied directly into an OpenGL texture or something like that for interactive rendering.