
Anton's Research Ramblings

Memory Analytics for Graphics Development

Working with 3d graphics today means interacting with a GPU (graphics processing unit) through the interface of a graphics programming library. At the low-ish level that I work at this might be Direct3D, OpenGL, WebGL, or something newer. Most of how the GPU is used is decided by the people who implement the library. Typically you are not given the details of how the memory or resources of the GPU are managed by the library (or drivers underneath that) so it becomes something of a black box at times. Normally I don't care about memory because I'm not allocating much, and only rendering one scene that is [hopefully] cleaned up properly when the programme is no longer running. There are two situations where it might be a problem:

  1. rendering large scenes (like building architecture) on devices with varying and potentially small amounts of memory
  2. running a rendering application that can change scene, or a game that can start a new level

There don't appear to be any nice ways to query the main API for device memory capacity before you try to allocate it. What happens if it runs out? Who knows? Does it do some sort of swapping? Does it exit gracefully? Does it explode? I suspect that this might vary based on device and platform - mobile devices in particular.

Apparently you can query glGetError to check for out-of-memory errors after allocation. Not very helpful. Exposing the memory capacity of the card itself seems to be done differently, via extensions, by the different vendors - according to this blog post http://nasutechtips.blogspot.ie/2011/02/how-to-get-gpu-memory-size-and-usage-in.html. Do you really have to detect the manufacturer, and then branch based on which one? What if it's neither of these? They don't even agree on the units of memory here. Gah! I bet Direct3D is better.

In the first of my two cases we either need to find out if there's enough memory, and print a warning, or just warn in advance and let the user find out if their phone is underpowered. WebGL doesn't seem to have any way of doing this yet - unless I missed something! (Perhaps there are similar extensions). For desktop software this is less of an issue until we get into the GB range - unlikely. If we did we could start that messy vendor-specific query code, but it would be nicer to just leave that out altogether - any new OpenGL function introduces yet more unpredictable errors on systems that you can't test on.

adding memory use on the GPU to my debug overlay

In the second case we really want to keep track of how much memory we are allocating. I feel like we should be able to query OpenGL for this in different categories, but I don't remember seeing anything at all. What I did was just keep a few globals that I added to with the size of any buffer or texture that I allocated with glBufferData or glTexImage. I could then easily append this to my frame-counter and debug overlay (pictured above). I added memory from VBOs, memory from textures loaded from images, and memory from framebuffers in different categories.

Right after I added memory use stats I noticed that I had a big memory leak - when I start a new scene, even if it's the same scene re-loaded, my numbers got bigger! I looked at my code and found that I was freeing GPU resources based on if (this null pointer which is always null is not null), and also forgetting to free my whole complement of scene elements. Easily fixed, but I wouldn't have noticed without the stats! I decrement my counts whenever a buffer is freed or resized on the GPU memory so it's easy to tell what's happening. I don't use a lot of memory for buffers, so really I'd only run into trouble if I was say running a game session with lots of levels.

Interestingly, my texture memory use dominates the GPU memory - remember that even compressed PNGs are decompressed into raw bitmaps before being copied to the GPU with glTexImage2D. I haven't used compressed S3 format textures (DDS-like compression) because the extensions didn't work properly on OSX. Getting this to comply would be one way to reduce memory usage.