
Anton's Research Ramblings

Binary Mesh Files

Binary teapot mesh loaded into OpenGL. It was very easy to convert an .obj into a .bin. File size was about the same. Parsing time was much quicker, because it is pre-arranged into the order that it will be copied into vertex buffer objects.

I've been curious about binary mesh files for a while. I wrote a Wavefront .obj to binary converter tool. It has the following advantages:

Eliminating all of the cladding text makes the file much smaller, especially if the format has a lot of descriptive text for each data point. Wavefront .obj is actually pretty sparse - points are preceded by only 3 bytes of descriptive text, but XML or other formats like IFC use a huge amount of bloat so the saving would be much higher for those.

With a float stored in 4 bytes you get exactly what you intend - there is no data loss by rounding floats to 2 decimal points, as you might do in a text format, nor is there an excessive data cost - text formats with 8 s.f. cost double what they should do and still do not guaranty full precision.

Pre-ordering your data is pretty neat. This means that your parsing time is absolutely trivial - I only needed 5 lines of basic C code to copy the file data into vertex buffer objects. The down-side here is that you lose the minor optimisation that .obj files have with regards to redundant data. Sometimes the binary files are smaller, sometimes there is not much saving. I didn't expect this. You could add a similar face-indexing idea but this is not hugely attractive. If you are doing flat-shading and do not have texture coordinates then you can swoop in and add the data for an indexing buffer - then you get the best of both smaller file size and parsing straight into buffers.

If you wanted to protect your original 3d model data, you make it a bit difficult to convert back into .obj because you would need to know or work out the layout of the data. You could make this even more proprietary and difficult if you really wanted to.

For a basic interleaved vertex data binary file, all I needed to do was write a header of 1 integer size which contained the number of points in the mesh, then just a fixed arrangement of floats per point - XYZSTXYZ, where I had the position, the texture coordinate, and the normal for each point. Very trivial to parse because you can allocate all the memory as soon as you read the first integer. To support splitting by group (sub-mesh) or to indicate that you will have animation data at the end, then I just add a further variable or two to the header.


Binary teapot mesh loaded into WebGL. Parsing is quicker, and the file is much smaller than a JSON mesh, but the parsing in JavaScript is very ugly.

I also made a WebGL viewer. This turns out to be a bit more tricky, but there is a certain attraction to using a more efficient format for transmission over the web. JavaScript's binary file reading capabilities are not very good. After reading the file with AJAX you have to manipulate read data with bitwise operators - yuck. I found a really nice example implementation of this on this blog. There's something ever so slightly wrong with it but I can't quite put my finger on it - it won't read the very last byte in a file because it thinks it doesn't exist. There's an alternative, similar to how glTF works, by providing a JSON file layout description here although I'm not 100% clear on how that works as there are some broken links. Anyway, I got a JavaScript binary reader coded, and it does a nice, and extremely fast job of parsing the files. The downside is that the binary files aren't as small as I'd like them to be. It's possible to add zip-style compression but JavaScript unzippers look a bit unreliable, or at least unorthodox. This is on my TODO list to try.

Fullscreen WebGL

I found out how to get WebGL to go fullscreen. It's very hack-ish. You need to make a browser-specific request for a specific DOM element to be made fullscreen. This can be the HTML5 canvas. There's one for Three.js called THREEx.Fullscreen that wraps this multi-browser behaviour. This actually works generically - it's not Three.js specific. The browser won't allow you to request fullscreen on load because this would be really annoying for users. Instead, you have to embed the request inside some sort of DOM callback or event action thing. The common approach is to put that inside a key-press callback but that's actually really annoying too because it's a surprise and happens every time you click back onto the browser tab - a huge pain when you're debugging. Example code doing this is also inefficient because it makes perspective calculation and uniform updates every single frame that a key is pressed or held - this will wreck your WebGL frame rate.

I tied the callback to a check-box button instead. Then the user is explicitly aware of what they are doing and have full control. In this way the callback only fires on the button click so I can also make sure that perspective recalculation only occurs once. Unfortunately there is quite some delay between the request and the actual resize taking place. In this time you keep rendering. You could resize the canvas and the perspective aspect ratio every single frame, but instead I just check if the size has changed since last time. Still not ideal.

Android Devices

I make no secret of it - I think Android devices suck. Everything about their user interface irritates me. There is no standard green indicator LED for "I'm charging/plugged in" or blinking for "I need to charge". Half the cables don't work properly so it would be great to know these things. Instead you get a lazy pop-up image of an AA battery. What does that mean? Empty? Full? Hungry? Broken? Charging? And it won't turn on. When it eventually reaches about 5% charge you hold down the power button for far too long to turn it on. Then you get a motor vibration, not a light or a pop-up or anything - a slight motor vibration to let you know that it's booting. Grrrr! Anyway, this is a post-to-self to remind me of another couple of huge UI annoyances [eye twitch]

To log in with school wifi

A vertical scroll-bar as used everywhere in all other computing would be a great idea for Android to think about adopting. I had no idea the rest of the form was there until I accidentally swiped down on the input form.

Re-enable WebGL Support in Chrome

Updating Chrome usually breaks webgl support as Google alternates between deciding if the GPU is on the "okay" list or not, and the extensions to enable WebGL change. Major pain in the butt.

WebGL is Better than OpenGLES on Android

Once I got WebGL rendering properly I threw some (rather complex) demos at the Nexus tablet. I use very minimalist, event-driven JavaScript and rely on shaders and the raw power of the GPU to do most of my processing. Tablets and phones have some very capable graphics hardware. WebGL works really well on the Nexus. I will no longer bother building OpenGL ES on Android.

  1. The default Java environment for Android is a horrible time-wasting, slow, over-engineered abomination, no doubt designed to make life easier to web developers. It's leagues behind the iOS development kit. I've pretty much got the view that Java's day has passed and I will not use it again.
  2. The NDK (native C development kit) is hands down the absolute worst development environment that I have ever used anywhere. This really turned me off buying an Android. They've taken a free operating system and broken it - replacing Unix philosophy GNU tools and C functionality with bits and pieces of scrappy horrible rubbish that wastes a lot of time to get running together. You're locked out from building natively on the device, and have to contrive these disgusting custom app builds and copy them over. Some of the official demos work. It took me a week to get a 3d object on the screen.
  3. WebGL can be developed anywhere, with just a text editor. Browsers have fairly okay tools for debugging built in.
  4. WebGL is built once, and the same software will run on Android browsers, and almost all desktop browsers. Android apps only run on android (sometimes).
  5. WebGL is incredibly fast to build. No compile times - just refresh the browser. Occasionally you do get hung up on a horrible surprise JavaScript bug.
  6. You have pretty good control over file fetching and compression with JavaScript. It's not as good as desktop C, but far superior to Android's awful Java AssetManager, which can not be avoided by the NDK - you have to bridge to it with the JNI, which I will never ever use again. Some work-arounds are required for binary files and zip compression.
  7. In WebGL you get touch-screen controls for free via the very simple HTML5 DOM.
  8. Fullscreen support works really well on Android, and screen orientation/flip seems to be handled correctly without you having to do anything.
  9. I ran a very complex WebGL demo and it ran at top speed. EGL is doing a good job there I think.

Now, if iOS would stop acting like a Japanese hold-out and unlock its webgl capability in the browser we would have an incredibly powerful "deliver 3d to all devices" platform. Apparently iOS has support for WebGL in its ads platform. I guess they're worried about losing income from their appstore bogus legalised gambling economy - didn't seem to bother Google though so maybe it's just being cautious about drivers.