
Anton's Research Ramblings

More On Vertex Buffer Layouts

My little tech report write-up did the rounds via Twitter (it's curious how Twitter is the big social network for this sort of thing...I should probably try and be more polite and less critical and conscience-dumpy on Twitter or I'll get myself into trouble!). The gist is that I wasn't sure which buffer layout was going to be faster, so I tried it, and it looks like it doesn't make any difference. I think pretty much everyone disagreed with the results, and I got a few interesting suggestions from some well-known experts (which is pretty cool really) to try to get a more objective or insightful measurement:

I gave the rasteriser discard and VAO switching a go this week. I built a new measurement programme. I just used really simple VAO+VBO code - same as before. Instead of pulling numbers out of apitrace I used the timer query extension. Graham Sellers says that I should have been getting < 0.5ms for drawing with my AMD 7500 which I have at work, so I thought I'd give that a confirmation first. There should also be some switching cost, so I collected times for both 1 and 2 drawing operations in sequence for each of the 3 different buffer layouts.

I'm sort of amazed that this seems to be an open question that nobody has any numbers for, given that it's a choice that you have to make right at the beginning of rendering something with OpenGL (or any graphics API I suppose). Anyway, I guess the crowd interested means that it's worth getting to the bottom of.

The Problem With Time Measurement

The main problem with any measurements like this is that these things are incredibly quick. Less than 1 millisecond is an extremely short amount of time. That's important because computer clocks typically report up to 1 nanosecond at the smallest. Yes, our number fits into that range, but it doesn't leave us with a lot of digits (significant figures) to represent each number. When we print out a few of these 64-bit measurements, despite there being a wide dispersion of results overall, the individual numbers have recurring patterns in the least significant few digits. That might be correct, given the nature of electronics, but could also mean that the clocks aren't as accurate as they say. If that's the case then it looks like we only get accurate results of about 3 s.f. That's absolutely not good enough precision for a serious scientific investigation that compares results. We're not that serious, but it means that we need to be a bit careful because we are vulnerable to drawing incorrect conclusions. I printed the first 100 measurements for one category. The first one is slower, but after 1 frame they repeat exactly, down to the nanosecond level - maybe that's correct but call me very suspicious:

first 100 time measurments (ns) of one multi vbo:

If I run my little programme 1024 times (a few seconds worth of rendering) it gives me some averaged results. "Ah this way is faster". I see people that should know better do 'benchmarks' like this all the time - which means jumping to false conclusions. If I run it a second time, with the exact same parameters I get different average time results. So, I need to run for a much larger number of runs, and compute a proper deviation measurement to allow us to compare dispersion of results for each category as well. In my first experiment I did a million measurements per category (about a working day's worth) and still got quite a lot of variation. There are lots of external factors that can jump in and interfere with the rendering process - the timer query extension documentation lists a few of these (mostly operating system activity).

Another interesting thing about modern GPUs is that they run out-of-synch with CPU instructions. It's also possible that some of the processing for the next drawing operation has started before the previous operation has finished. I could fluff around trying to get clean measurements, but this doesn't represent how they'll be used in practice, and I expect this should become less important over a larger accumulation of cycles.

I didn't bother with the CPU-side measurements this time because they were less interesting - seem to be a small fixed cost. They were also very short, and I got criticised for artificially making them longer to get more precise measurements. I don't want do try and compare rubbish little measurements to each other, so better to dump that entirely and look just at the GPU side.

Preliminary Results

I did a short run of n=4096. First, I print out the size of the local system's long unsigned int to make doubly sure that it can hold all 64 bits of the timer query result.

bunny.obj loaded with 208353 vertices
Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 7500 Series
OpenGL version supported 4.2.12217 Compatibility Profile Context 8.96.7
size of long unsigned int in bits is 64
N=4096 samples have been collected for each measurement
one_draw_multi mu: 0.326205 (ms) sigma: 0.000231
one_draw_concat mu: 0.326206 (ms) sigma: 0.000251
one_draw_interl mu: 0.326396 (ms) sigma: 0.000236
two_draw_multi mu: 0.646754 (ms) sigma: 0.000239
two_draw_concat mu: 0.646742 (ms) sigma: 0.000163
two_draw_interl mu: 0.646946 (ms) sigma: 0.000249

I calculated sample standard deviation using Bessel's correction. So yes, I got the rendering time under the expected result at around 0.33 milliseconds. Good. It didn't make any difference though - all the results are exactly the same. If you like, the interleaved values are ever so marginally slower, which is kind of funny. Anyway, they're all going to be within 2 standard deviations. If you don't know what this means - look at the smallest mean and add 2x the sigma value to it. Then get the largest mean and subtract 2x the sigma value from it. If the results have crossed over this means that any difference in mean is not statistically significant - you absolutely can't say that one is faster than the other, even if the means are different. This is what scientists call a P < 0.05 (very, very confident) measurement. The standard approach to reducing the error values (standard deviation in this case) is to collect more results - so I'll do that next. This is a problem that we see all the time in computer science - the proper stats are not done and we draw conclusions from bad analysis. I really want to try and do a proper job here so I shall continue. [actually that's not fair to CS - the pharmaceutical and medical research journals got caught out recently for publishing a huge number of 'bad science' articles for exactly this reason, and these guys deal with life-and-death].

It looks like switching VAOs didn't make any difference - the results are equally all double the single VAO results. I even used a completely new copy of the data in new buffers, and a new VAO just to be sure that nothing was being optimised out somewhere.


I'll repeat my experiment on both GPUs again with this new programme, just to be sure, and do it with n=1mil. I'll make another little chart, and put all of my code online - perhaps someone with more experience can see why I'm not getting the results that they expect? I can take the criticism!

Yes, I'm aware that I have a bee in my bonnet about statistics and science - I learned from the best!