Anton's Research Ramblings
5 July 2012
3d models portfolio viewer
I wrote a little show-case tool to view different 3D models. An animated .gif might
be okay, but I think that I will make it interactive and integrate some "play animation 2" type of buttons. I have
to develop a decent animation system for hardware skinning anyway. It's quite a lot of work putting the content
together, but that's the same for all websites I guess.

The web page allows you to browse a selection of 3d models, and display some additional information of
interest. I will add some sort of animations support.
future activities
look at graphs and charts in webgl. is it easier to use javascript or php for 2d charts? what cool 3d
visualisations can i do?
get some sort of audio API working to go with the talking head.
make a hardware skinning demo. I'll need to come up with a custom JSON format for storing animations.
I should really come back and finish that 3D picking demo(s)...