
Anton's Research Ramblings

My apg_bmp Mini-Library

You can find my current library's code in my apg repository.

Used in Basis Universal

This week Binomial LLC adopted my little BMP image loader library into Basis Universal, which is a Google partner project. Basis Universal is a supercompression GPU image compression system, and introduces a new .basis intermediate image format. It is also a suite of image converter and compression tools. Initially targeting video games, where "texture" images make up the bulk of a game's data, it now has interesting tie-ins to web technology, and if widely adopted, may end up producing a successor to the venerable JPEG, and other web-delivered image and video content. In prior releases Basis Universal only supported PNG images as inputs. Here is a Google blog post from 20 March 2020, which provides more information.

Background to apg_bmp Development

I maintain a ToDo list of interesting play-around side projects, and I try to knock out one or two every week as practice. One of those was "Hey, I've never manually loaded an old-school Windows bitmap (BMP) image before, how does that work?".

I ended up doing fairly well at loading a range of different sub-formats of BMP image in my little demo. I discovered that actually most professionally-used BMP loaders couldn't handle as many formats as I was testing with, which included some strange old bit-encoded variants, which I dug up from old internet archives from my own curiosity. A few benchmarks showed that I was actually loading faster than the popular libraries I was testing against. I was chatting about that on Twitter, and it provoked some interest.

Really old BMP images that look like pointillism artworks were very interesting. I was quite happy when I cracked the formula for loading these. I had to use a hex editor to work out the real formats used, as the specification documents often disagreed with the common implementations. This, and similar BMP images, can be found here.

Fuzzing and Licences

Partner projects have to be extremely strict about use of licences for third-party software. Commercial software should be too, but they often avoid audit! I usually dual-licence my free and open source utility software because there's a great benefit to being flexible for yourself - it's ridiculous having to reinvent and reimplement your own utilities every time you change jobs. Really, companies should be more open to releasing things open source. But since they are not, if I dual-licence my own work with both a suitable open source licence, and an optional public domain declaration, then I have the flexibility to take that to any job I work on, and be much more productive with my time. I was able to set up licence options for my mini-libraries that made them easy to incorporate in other projects. Most imaging libraries have some technicality or other that makes that difficult.

Google requires all its work to be fuzzed. It's a good idea to do this with any software that loads user-provided content, such as an image loader. I have recently been educated on fuzzers by my friend Saija, who is a security professional who has worked for some pretty major companies. Fuzzers are programs that take a set of inputs you provide and generate pseudo-random permutations of those, trying to find invalid files that make your program crash or become unstable. It doesn't take very long to generate a huge folder of images that blow up your program in interesting ways. Saija fuzzed apg_bmp with AFL, which let me easily reproduce issues and fix a huge number of surprising bugs. After fixing and re-fuzzing, if it reports no issues you can try seeding it with a new test set. You can be pretty confident then that your software has been hardened to handle both invalid or corrupted source images, as well as deliberately malicious files. It's like having the most persistent and evil QA tester ever working around the clock ruining your day! Most image loaders are not fuzzed, which kind of left me in a nice position of being a kind of winner-by-default for use in security-conscious applications. I tried the previous crashing results on popular image loaders (libraries and software). Almost all of them crashed. Some were very robust, but none supported as wide a range of BMP sub-formats. I got some really wild outputs between default image viewers for different platforms and the tools file explorers use to produce thumbnails. They mostly didn't crash, but they generated some bizarre output images. Oddly it seems they don't all use the same BMP reading code on the same operating systems.

If you're wondering about how to get started with fuzzers and fuzzing I am just about to publish a book Professional Programing Tools for C and C++ with my friend Katja. It has a whole chapter on getting started with fuzzing. I may also do a tutorial stream in the next week or two.

Next Steps

Let's see what a very large user base reports in terms of bugs and feature requests! I would also like to attack my mini-lib with some different fuzzing tools. There were a few BMP features I didn't implement support for because I couldn't find real examples of them being used, so let's wait and see if people ask about it.